
In response to the first SARS virus outbreak in 2002/2003, Germs Away Hand Sanitizer was introduced as a Alcohol based hand sanitizer for industrial and institutional use. During the current COVID-19 Virus pandemic Germs Away has responded to customer needs during the unprecented, unpredictable and uncontrollable shortage of materials.

Year Event
1828 Antoine Labarraque recommends the use of “eau de javel,” a sodium hypochlorite solution, for hand hygiene
1843 American doctor and polymath Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. argues that doctors not washing their hands is a cause of postpartum infections.
1846 Hungarian doctor Ignaz Semmelweis requires his staff to wash their hands with soap and a chlorine solution after making the first scientific connection between hand sanitization and disease prevention.
1860 Pioneering nurse Florence Nightingale recommends that her colleagues wash their hands “very frequently” in her Notes on Nursing.
1861 Louis Pasteur publishes his first findings on the germ theory of disease.
1946 Goldie and Jerry Lippmann found Gojo; their first product is a waterless hand cleaner inspired by watching rubber-factory workers clean their hands with benzene.
1966 Nursing student Lupe Hernandez combines alcohol and gel to create a sanitary hand cleaner for when soap and water aren’t available.
1981 The US Centers for Disease Control publishes its first national hand hygiene guidelines.
2002 The CDC revises its hand-hygiene guidelines, recommending the use of hand sanitizer.
2003 Hospital use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer is up 50% over 2001.
2003 Germs Away Hand Sanitizer is introduced, a gel hand sanitizer made with USP Grade ethyl alcohol.